January - Bleeding Out (hemotoxicity from rattlesnake venom)
February - The Things We Do For Blood (management of bleeding in rattlesnake envenomations)
March - Keeping Thin (antiplatelets and anticogulants in rattlesnake envenomation)
April - Platelets and Pain (NSAIDs in rattlesnake envenomation)
May - Bothrops lanceolatus (the snake that literally gives you a heart attack)
June - It's in the Blood: DIC and VICC
July - Thick and Thin (treatment of thrombosis in snake envenomation)
August - Platelets and Fibrinogen
September - Antivenom Index
October - Rattlesnake Bites During Pregnancy
November - Not a Tall Tale, Just a Long Tale
December - Better Late Than Never